The Embassy organized a reception on the occasion of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Statehood Day

Bosnia and Herzegovina Statehood Day reception

Bosnian version below.

On the occcasion of the 25th of November, the National Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Kingdom of the Netherlands organized a solemn reception in The Hague.

The reception took place on the 1th of December, with the participation of an important number of ambassadors accredited to the Netherlands, members of the diplomatic core, representatives of the Dutch and international institutions, representatives of the bosnian-herzegovinian diaspora and many other friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In his speech, Ambassador Šahović stressed very good and friendly relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Netherlands and expressed the hope that the Netherlands will continue to support speeding up the Bosnia and Herzegovina EU path.

Ambassador Šahović spoke also about the cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Netherlands in the fields of economy and tourism, underlining with pleasure continued increase of the presence of the Dutch companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian companies in the Netherlands.

Ambasada organizirala prijem povodom Dana Državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine


Povodom25 novembra,  Dana Državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, Ambasada Bosne i Hercegovine u Kraljevini Holandiji je organizirala svečani prijem.

Prijem je održan 01 decembra u Hagu, uzprisustvo velikog broja ambasadora akreditovanih u Holandiji, članova diplomatskog kora, predstavnika holandskih i medjunarodnih organizacija, predstavnika bosanskohercegovačke dijaspore, kao i  drugih brojnih prijatelja naše zemlje.

U svom obraćanju tom prilikom, ambasador Bosne i Hercegovine u Holandiji Almir Šahović je podvukao dobre i prijateljske odnose izmedju Bosne i Hercegovine iHolandije, te izrazio očekivanja da će Holandija i u narednom periodu nastavitisa podrškom na ubrzanju puta BiH prema EU.

Ambasador Šahović se je takodjer osvrnuo i na saradnju Bosne i Hercegovine i Holandije u oblastima ekonomije i turizma, teizrazio zadovoljstvo zbog sve većeg prisustva kako holandskih kompanija u BiH, tako i bh kompanija u Holandiji.

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